Saturday, April 9, 2016

Week 12: Constructing Lamp Shapes

So this week, we discussed and worked on our final project, a lamp. For this week, we were charged with documenting and brainstorming possible shapes for our lamp design. These are our results.

Craft: For this assignment, we returned to photography to create these compositions of possible theorized lamp shapes. We used a DSLR camera, a dark room, assorted lighting, and a wide variety of props such as food containers and jars.
Composition: The composition for this week was fairly simple. We continued on the previous weeks assignment with lamp designs. We had to construct ten different lamp shapes for the coming weeks, each incorporating aspects of silhouettes, lighting and shadows in a way that will convey a story or meaningful message. I did mine with mostly geometric shapes because I enjoy the simplisticness.
Concept: The concept of this project was fairly straightforward, create basic shapes of possible lamps I would use for our final project in our 3D class. I incorporated what we learned in previous weeks and understand their use for when you're drafting the lamps.

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