Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Week 11: Drafting Lamp Designs

This week we discussed our next,possibly last, project for this class, designing and manufacturing a lamp out of either cardboard or ply wood. Working from what we did last week, we took into account the shapes and builds of the cardboard structures we made last week, we worked on designing possible lamp designs for later weeks. These are my results.

Craft: For this assignment, we continued on from the previous week in constructing with cardboard with the cardboard structures. This time, we returned to good old drafting. Our craft supplies was paper and a pencil.
Composition: The composition for this week was fairly simple. We had to come up with ten different lamp designs, each incorporating aspects of silhouettes, lighting and shadows in a way that will convey a story or meaningful message. Once we came up with the designs, we drafted them out. I did mine roughly with estimated sizes. Once I did so, with the help of the teacher, I then thought of a concept and way to convey that message. That led me to this rough draft of my lamp.
Concept: The concept of this project was fairly straightforward, create basic drafts of what we learned in previous weeks and understand their use for when you're drafting the lamps. We then had to think of a way to meaningfully use shadow and silhouettes to form a story or message. Mine is the life cycle of a chicken from egg to chicken or vice versa.

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