Friday, March 18, 2016

Week 9: Cardboard Structures

So this week we began to work on a new project and materials, cardboard. We were charged with creating plant-like structures made of modules of cardboard Here are my results of my work.

Craft: For this assignment, we returned to physical work. We worked with sheets of cardboard and cutting knives. Ww used cutting mats and rulers as well to manage the cuts to be straight and clean.
Composition: This week, we worked on cutting paper into strips 1x0.5 inches. Once we did, we scored them using the cutting knife in a percise way to just cut the top layer of the corregated cardboard. After doing that in one inch intervals, we then folded them into shapes. Some of us did triangles. I did pentagons because of their larger size and ability to attach multiple shapes to them. Using tape, I formed the shapes which would now be used as modules, uniform units to construct my stucture. Once the modules were done, we then proceeded to link the modules together to form a structure with tape and other adhesives. Another part of this project that was there to throw us off were wildcards, modules and variants that were different than the uniform modules we needed to utlize. I used a larger version of the modules, triangles and skored strips.
Concept: We were told to have no concept besides having it take up space and make space.

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