Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 8: Final Tea Box Photos

So this week is our final time to work on our tea boxes. We have spent the better part of two months working up to this moment and now it's time to work on new things. Here are my results of our final photos. 

Craft: For this assignment, like last week, did not use Adobe Illustrator or software, but instead, we used DSLR camera, portable lighting system and props to create these images. We used the light system which consisted of a halogen bulb affixed to a mobile with an umbrella attachment  as well as props that we gathered.
Composition: What we did was utilize a DSLR camera, a Canon Rebel-series to capture our objects and mobile lighting fixtures to control the lighting. This assignment, we gathered props such as my South Vietnamese Flag, our tea boxes and equipment to construct visually interesting and effective archival evidence. We first placed our tea boxes, one in a series of photos and all three in another. We then added props to another group of photos. Placing our cameras on tripods and adjusting our lighting, we then took the photos to have our best depth of field. Afterward, we transferred the camera raw files onto our flash drives and converted them to png to upload.
Concept: The concept of this was to capture evidence of the tea boxes in an interesting and professional manner. Like other projects we needed evidence of our works and this was our cause. We used cameras to capture what we did and try, with moderate success, to capture interesting compositions.

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