Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 1: Cubes, Geometric Shapes and 3D Objects

This week we worked with physical materials and how to draft and create cubes and other 3D objects. We were instructed to design and make a 2 1/2 in cube. This was my results.

Composition: The materials we used to design these 3D shapes are as following: 

graph paper, number two pencil, straight edge (ruler), X-acto knife, and a cutting mat. The cube was made of the graph paper.

Craft: The cube was created by first drafting a design on graph paper. The cube's sides were two and a half inches in length and width with  additional tabs at 1/4 inches in length. These tabs would be later glued or tapped to their adjacent sides to lock the shape in place. Once the draft was complete (solid lines for cuts and dashed lines for folds), we used an X-acto knife and cutting mat to cut the shape out of the paper using a straight edge or ruler to  keep the sides straight. Once we cut the object out of the paper, we folded the pieces and taped them to form the cube.

Concept: The concept of these pieces was the manipulation and concept of 3D space and being aquainted with that dimension when most of us artists used to painting and drawing are confined to the 2D space of paper or canvas.

This three objects made of graph paper was created using the same process described above.

These two objects, the car and the fish are paper crafts that easily found on the internet. They have already been drafted and all that is needed is cutting them out and folding them into the appropriate shape according to directions.

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